



关于MongoDB不同版本的版本说明,请参见 Release Notes

Install on Linux

官方发行的MongoDB Linux安装包使用文档。

Red Hat 上面的安装教程

在 Red Hat Enterprise, CentOS, Fedora 及其他Linux上使用 .rpm 来安装MongoDB。


在Ubuntu Linux上使用 .deb 安装包。

Debian 上面的安装

在Debian Linux上使用 .deb 安装包。



在 OS X 上安装
Install the official build of MongoDB on OS X systems from Homebrew packages or from MongoDB archives.
Install on Windows
Install MongoDB on Windows systems and optionally start MongoDB as a Windows service.
Install MongoDB Enterprise

MongoDB Enterprise is available for MongoDB Enterprise subscribers and includes several additional features including support for SNMP monitoring, LDAP authentication, Kerberos authentication, and System Event Auditing.

Install MongoDB Enterprise on Red Hat
Install the MongoDB Enterprise build and required dependencies on Red Hat Enterprise or CentOS Systems using packages.
Install MongoDB Enterprise on Ubuntu
Install the MongoDB Enterprise build and required dependencies on Ubuntu Linux Systems using packages.
Install MongoDB Enterprise on Debian
Install the MongoDB Enterprise build and required dependencies on Debian Linux Systems using packages.
Install MongoDB Enterprise on SUSE
Install the MongoDB Enterprise build and required dependencies on SUSE Enterprise Linux.
Install MongoDB Enterprise on Amazon AMI
Install the MongoDB Enterprise build and required dependencies on Amazon Linux AMI.
Install MongoDB Enterprise on Windows
Install the MongoDB Enterprise build and required dependencies using the .msi installer.

First Steps with MongoDB

After you have installed MongoDB, consider the following documents as you begin to learn about MongoDB:

MongoDB 快速入门
An introduction to the basic operation and use of MongoDB.
To support initial exploration, generate test data to facilitate testing.