



2.6 新版功能.

Lists the index filters associated with query shapes for a collection.

The command has the following syntax:

db.runCommand( { planCacheListFilters: <collection> } )

The planCacheListFilters command has the following field:

Field Type Description
planCacheListFilters string The name of the collection.
返回:Document listing the index filters. See Output.

Required Access

A user must have access that includes the planCacheIndexFilter action.


The planCacheListFilters command returns the document with the following form:

   "filters" : [
         "query" : <query>
         "sort" : <sort>,
         "projection" : <projection>,
         "indexes" : [
   "ok" : 1

The array of documents that contain the index filter information.

Each document contains the following fields:


The query predicate associated with this filter. Although the query shows the specific values used to create the index filter, the values in the predicate are insignificant; i.e. query predicates cover similar queries that differ only in the values.

For instance, a query predicate of { "type": "electronics", "status" : "A" } covers the following query predicates:

{ type: "food", status: "A" }
{ type: "utensil", status: "D" }

Together with the sort and the projection, the query make up the query shape for the specified index filter.


The sort associated with this filter. Can be an empty document.

Together with the query and the projection, the sort make up the query shape for the specified index filter.


The projection associated with this filter. Can be an empty document.

Together with the query and the sort, the projection make up the query shape for the specified index filter.


The array of indexes for this query shape. To choose the optimal query plan, the query optimizer evaluates only the listed indexes and the collection scan.


The status of the command.