- Release Notes >
- MongoDB 2.6 发布笔记 >
- 2.6 Changelog
2.6 Changelog¶
2.6.4 – Changes¶
- SERVER-14701 The “backup” auth role should allow running the “collstats” command for all resources
- SERVER-14518 Allow disabling hostname validation for SSL
- SERVER-14268 Potential information leak
- SERVER-14170 Cannot read from secondary if both audit and auth are enabled in a sharded cluster
- SERVER-13833 userAdminAnyDatabase role should be able to create indexes on admin.system.users and admin.system.roles
- SERVER-12512 Add role-based, selective audit logging.
- SERVER-9482 Add build flag for sslFIPSMode
- SERVER-14625 Query planner can construct incorrect bounds for negations inside $elemMatch
- SERVER-14607 hash intersection of fetched and non-fetched data can discard data from a result
- SERVER-14532 Improve logging in the case of plan ranker ties
- SERVER-14350 Server crash when $centerSphere has non-positive radius
- SERVER-14317 Dead code in IDHackRunner::applyProjection
- SERVER-14311 skipping of index keys is not accounted for in plan ranking by the index scan stage
- SERVER-14123 some operations can create BSON object larger than the 16MB limit
- SERVER-14034 Sorted $in query with large number of elements can’t use merge sort
- SERVER-13994 do not aggressively pre-fetch data for parallelCollectionScan
- SERVER-14665 Build failure for v2.6 in closeall.js caused by access violation reading _me
- SERVER-14505 cannot dropAllIndexes when index builds in progress assertion failure
- SERVER-14494 Dropping collection during active background index build on secondary triggers segfault
- SERVER-13822 Running resync before replset config is loaded can crash mongod
- SERVER-11776 Replication ‘isself’ check should allow mapped ports
- SERVER-14551 Runner yield during migration cleanup (removeRange) results in fassert
- SERVER-14431 Invalid chunk data after splitting on a key that’s too large
- SERVER-14261 stepdown during migration range delete can abort mongod
- SERVER-14032 v2.6 mongos doesn’t verify _id is present for config server upserts
- SERVER-13648 better stats from migration cleanup
- SERVER-12750 mongos shouldn’t accept initial query with “exhaust” flag set
- SERVER-9788 mongos does not re-evaluate read preference once a valid replica set member is chosen
- SERVER-9526 Log messages regarding chunks not very informative when the shard key is of type BinData
- SERVER-14198 Std::set<pointer> and Windows Heap Allocation Reuse produces non-deterministic results
- SERVER-13975 Creating index on collection named “system” can cause server to abort
- SERVER-13729 Reads & Writes are blocked during data file allocation on Windows
- SERVER-13681 mongod B stalls during background flush on Windows
SERVER-14494 Dropping collection during active background index build on secondary triggers segfault
Write Ops¶
- SERVER-14257 “remove” command can cause process termination by throwing unhandled exception if profiling is enabled
- SERVER-14024 Update fails when query contains part of a DBRef and results in an insert (upsert:true)
- SERVER-13764 debug mechanisms report incorrect nscanned / nscannedObjects for updates
SERVER-13734 Remove catch (...) from handleIncomingMsg
- SERVER-14039 $nearSphere query with 2d index, skip, and limit returns incomplete results
- SERVER-13701 Query using 2d index throws exception when using explain()
Text Search¶
- SERVER-14738 Updates to documents with text-indexed fields may lead to incorrect entries
- SERVER-14027 Renaming collection within same database fails if wildcard text index present
- SERVER-14212 mongorestore may drop system users and roles
- SERVER-14048 mongodump against mongos can’t send dump to standard output
- SERVER-14556 Default dbpath for mongod --configsvr changes in 2.6
- SERVER-14355 Allow dbAdmin role to manually create system.profile collections
SERVER-14283 Parameters in installed config file are out of date
- SERVER-14254 Do not store native function pointer as a property in function prototype
- SERVER-13798 v8 garbage collection can cause crash due to independent lifetime of DBClient and Cursor objects
- SERVER-13707 mongo shell may crash when converting invalid regular expression
- SERVER-14341 negative opcounter values in serverStatus
- SERVER-14107 Querying for a document containing a value of either type Javascript or JavascriptWithScope crashes the shell
SERVER-13833 userAdminAnyDatabase role should be able to create indexes on admin.system.users and admin.system.roles
Logging and Diagnostics¶
- SERVER-12512 Add role-based, selective audit logging.
- SERVER-14341 negative opcounter values in serverStatus
- SERVER-14731 plan_cache_ties.js sometimes fails
- SERVER-14147 make index_multi.js retry on connection failure
- SERVER-13615 sharding_rs2.js intermittent failure due to reliance on opcounters
2.6.3 – Changes¶
- SERVER-14302 Fixed: “Equality queries on _id with projection may return no results on sharded collections”
- SERVER-14304 Fixed: “Equality queries on _id with projection on _id may return orphan documents on sharded collections”
2.6.2 – Changes¶
- SERVER-13727 The backup authorization role now includes privileges to run the collStats command.
- SERVER-13804 The built-in role restore now has privileges on system.roles collection.
- SERVER-13612 Fixed: “SSL-enabled server appears not to be sending the list of supported certificate issuers to the client”
- SERVER-13753 Fixed: “mongod may terminate if x.509 authentication certificate is invalid”
- SERVER-13945 For replica set/sharded cluster member authentication, now matches x.509 cluster certificates by attributes instead of by substring comparison.
- SERVER-13868 Now marks V1 users as probed on databases that do not have surrogate user documents.
- SERVER-13850 Now ensures that the user cache entry is up to date before using it to determine a user’s roles in user management commands on mongos.
- SERVER-13588 Fixed: “Shell prints startup warning when auth enabled”
- SERVER-13731 Fixed: “Stack overflow when parsing deeply nested $not query”
- SERVER-13890 Fixed: “Index bounds builder constructs invalid bounds for multiple negations joined by an $or“
- SERVER-13752 Verified assertion on empty $in clause and sort on second field in a compound index.
- SERVER-13337 Re-enabled idhack for queries with projection.
- SERVER-13715 Fixed: “Aggregation pipeline execution can fail with $or and blocking sorts”
- SERVER-13714 Fixed: “non-top-level indexable $not triggers query planning bug”
- SERVER-13769 Fixed: “distinct command on indexed field with geo predicate fails to execute”
- SERVER-13675 Fixed “Plans with differing performance can tie during plan ranking”
- SERVER-13899 Fixed: “‘Whole index scan’ query solutions can use incompatible indexes, return incorrect results”
- SERVER-13852 Fixed “IndexBounds::endKeyInclusive not initialized by constructor”
- SERVER-14073 planSummary no longer truncated at 255 characters
- SERVER-14174 Fixed: “If ntoreturn is a limit (rather than batch size) extra data gets buffered during plan ranking”
- SERVER-13789 Some nested queries no longer trigger an assertion error
- SERVER-14064 Added planSummary information for count command log message.
- SERVER-13960 Queries containing $or no longer miss results if multiple clauses use the same index.
- SERVER-14180 Fixed: “Crash with ‘and’ clause, $elemMatch, and nested $mod or regex”
- SERVER-14176 Natural order sort specification no longer ignored if query is specified.
- SERVER-13754 Bounds no longer combined for $or queries that can use merge sort.
SERVER-13687 Results of $near query on compound multi-key 2dsphere index are now sorted by distance.
Write Operations¶
SERVER-13802 Insert field validation no longer stops at first Timestamp() field.
- SERVER-13993 Fixed: “log a message when shouldChangeSyncTarget() believes a node should change sync targets”
- SERVER-13976 Fixed: “Cloner needs to detect failure to create collection”
- SERVER-13616 Resolved: “‘type 7’ (OID) error when acquiring distributed lock for first time”
- SERVER-13812 Now catches exception thrown by getShardsForQuery for geo query.
- SERVER-14138 mongos will now correctly target multiple shards for nested field shard key predicates.
- SERVER-11332 Fixed: “Authentication requests delayed if first config server is unresponsive”
Map Reduce¶
- SERVER-14186 Resolved: “rs.stepDown during mapReduce causes fassert in logOp”
- SERVER-13981 Temporary map/reduce collections are now correctly replicated to secondaries.
- SERVER-13750 convertToCapped on empty collection no longer aborts after invariant() failure.
- SERVER-14056 Moving large collection across databases with renameCollection no longer triggers fatal assertion.
- SERVER-14082 Fixed: “Excessive freelist scanning for MaxBucket”
- SERVER-13737 CollectionOptions parser now skips non-numeric for “size”/”max” elements if values non-numeric.
Build and Packaging¶
- SERVER-13950 MongoDB Enterprise now includes required dependency list.
- SERVER-13862 Support for mongodb-org-server installation 2.6.1-1 on RHEL5 via RPM.
- SERVER-13724 Added SCons flag to override treating all warnings as errors.
- SERVER-13587 Resolved: “ndeleted in system.profile documents reports 1 too few documents removed”
- SERVER-13368 Improved exposure of timing information in currentOp.
SERVER-13954 security.javascriptEnabled option is now available in the YAML configuration file.
- SERVER-10464 mongodump can now query oplog.$main and oplog.rs when using --dbpath.
- SERVER-13760 mongoexport can now handle large timestamps on Windows.
- SERVER-13865 Shell now returns correct WriteResult for compatibility-mode upsert with non-OID equality predicate on _id field.
- SERVER-13037 Fixed typo in error message for “compatibility mode”.
Internal Code¶
- SERVER-13794 Fixed: “Unused snapshot history consuming significant heap space”
- SERVER-13446 Removed Solaris builds dependency on ILLUMOS libc.
- SERVER-14092 MongoDB upgrade 2.4 to 2.6 check no longer returns an error in internal collections.
- SERVER-14000 Added new lsb file location for Debian 7.1
- SERVER-13723 Stabilized tags.js after a change in its timeout when it was ported to use write commands.
- SERVER-13494 Fixed: “setup_multiversion_mongodb.py doesn’t download 2.4.10 because of non-numeric version sorting”
- SERVER-13603 Fixed: “Test suites with options tests fail when run with --nopreallocj“
- SERVER-13948 Fixed: “awaitReplication() failures related to getting a config version from master causing test failures”
- SERVER-13839 Fixed sync2.js failure.
- SERVER-13972 Fixed connections_opened.js failure.
- SERVER-13712 Reduced peak disk usage of test suites.
- SERVER-14249 Added tests for querying oplog via mongodump using --dbpath
- SERVER-10462 Fixed: “Windows file locking related buildbot failures”
2.6.1 – Changes¶
SERVER-13739 Repair database failure can delete database files
Build and Packaging¶
- SERVER-13287 Addition of debug symbols has doubled compile time
- SERVER-13563 Upgrading from 2.4.x to 2.6.0 via yum clobbers configuration file
- SERVER-13691 yum and apt “stable” repositories contain release candidate 2.6.1-rc0 packages
- SERVER-13515 Cannot install MongoDB as a service on Windows
- SERVER-13066 Negations over multikey fields do not use index
- SERVER-13495 Concurrent GETMORE and KILLCURSORS operations can cause race condition and server crash
- SERVER-13503 The $where operator should not be allowed under $elemMatch
- SERVER-13537 Large skip and and limit values can cause crash in blocking sort stage
- SERVER-13557 Incorrect negation of $elemMatch value in 2.6
- SERVER-13562 Queries that use tailable cursors do not stream results if skip() is applied
- SERVER-13566 Using the OplogReplay flag with extra predicates can yield incorrect results
- SERVER-13611 Missing sort order for compound index leads to unnecessary in-memory sort
- SERVER-13618 Optimization for sorted $in queries not applied to reverse sort order
- SERVER-13661 Increase the maximum allowed depth of query objects
- SERVER-13664 Query with $elemMatch using a compound multikey index can generate incorrect results
- SERVER-13677 Query planner should traverse through $all while handling $elemMatch object predicates
- SERVER-13766 Dropping index or collection while $or query is yielding triggers fatal assertion
- SERVER-13666 $near queries with out-of-bounds points in legacy format can lead to crashes
- SERVER-13540 The geoNear command no longer returns distance in radians for legacy point
- SERVER-13486: The geoNear command can create too large BSON objects for aggregation.
- SERVER-13500 Changing replica set configuration can crash running members
- SERVER-13589 Background index builds from a 2.6.0 primary fail to complete on 2.4.x secondaries
- SERVER-13620 Replicated data definition commands will fail on secondaries during background index build
- SERVER-13496 Creating index with same name but different spec in mixed version replicaset can abort replication
- SERVER-12638 Initial sharding with hashed shard key can result in duplicate split points
- SERVER-13518 The _id field is no longer automatically generated by mongos when missing
- SERVER-13777 Migrated ranges waiting for deletion do not report cursors still open
- SERVER-9358 Log rotation can overwrite previous log files
- SERVER-13644 Sensitive credentials in startup options are not redacted and may be exposed
- SERVER-13441 Inconsistent error handling in user management shell helpers
Write Operations¶
- SERVER-13466 Error message in collection creation failure contains incorrect namespace
- SERVER-13499 Yield policy for batch-inserts should be the same as for batch-updates/deletes
- SERVER-13516 Array updates on documents with more than 128 BSON elements may crash mongod