
Internal Commands

Name Description
handshake Internal command.
_recvChunkAbort Internal command that supports chunk migrations in sharded clusters. Do not call directly.
_recvChunkCommit Internal command that supports chunk migrations in sharded clusters. Do not call directly.
_recvChunkStart Internal command that facilitates chunk migrations in sharded clusters.. Do not call directly.
_recvChunkStatus Internal command that returns data to support chunk migrations in sharded clusters. Do not call directly.
_replSetFresh Internal command that supports replica set election operations.
mapreduce.shardedfinish Internal command that supports map-reduce in sharded cluster environments.
_transferMods Internal command that supports chunk migrations. Do not call directly.
replSetHeartbeat Internal command that supports replica set operations.
replSetGetRBID Internal command that supports replica set operations.
_migrateClone Internal command that supports chunk migration. Do not call directly.
replSetElect Internal command that supports replica set functionality.
writeBacksQueued Internal command that supports chunk migrations in sharded clusters.
writebacklisten Internal command that supports chunk migrations in sharded clusters.
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