




为了解决这些问题,有两个基本的方法: 纵向扩展分片 .

Vertical scaling adds more CPU and storage resources to increase capacity. Scaling by adding capacity has limitations: high performance systems with large numbers of CPUs and large amount of RAM are disproportionately more expensive than smaller systems. Additionally, cloud-based providers may only allow users to provision smaller instances. As a result there is a practical maximum capability for vertical scaling.

Sharding, or horizontal scaling, by contrast, divides the data set and distributes the data over multiple servers, or shards. Each shard is an independent database, and collectively, the shards make up a single logical database.

Diagram of a large collection with data distributed across 4 shards.

Diagram of a large collection with data distributed across 4 shards.


  • 使用分片减少了每个分片需要处理的请求数,因此,通过 水平扩展 ,集群可以提高自己的存储容量和吞吐量.


  • 使用分片减少了每个分片存储的数据.



MongoDB通过配置 集群 支持分片.

Diagram of a sample sharded cluster for production purposes.  Contains exactly 3 config servers, 2 or more ``mongos`` query routers, and at least 2 shards. The shards are replica sets.

Diagram of a sample sharded cluster for production purposes. Contains exactly 3 config servers, 2 or more mongos query routers, and at least 2 shards. The shards are replica sets.

集群拥有以下组件: 分片, 分发路由,:term:配置服务器 <config server>.

Shards store the data. To provide high availability and data consistency, in a production sharded cluster, each shard is a replica set [1]. For more information on replica sets, see Replica Sets.

Query Routers, or mongos instances, interface with client applications and direct operations to the appropriate shard or shards. The query router processes and targets operations to shards and then returns results to the clients. A sharded cluster can contain more than one query router to divide the client request load. A client sends requests to one query router. Most sharded cluster have many query routers.

Config servers store the cluster’s metadata. This data contains a mapping of the cluster’s data set to the shards. The query router uses this metadata to target operations to specific shards. Production sharded clusters have exactly 3 config servers.


在测试与开发环境下,每个 分片 可以是单独的 mongod 而不用必须是复制集.在生产环境中 必须 部署3台配置服务器.


MongoDB中数据的分片是以集合为基本单位的,集合中的数据通过 片键 被分成多部分.


对集合进行分片时,你需要选择一个 片键 , shard key 是每条记录都必须包含的,且建立了索引的单个字段或复合字段,MongoDB按照片键将数据划分到不同的 数据块 中,并将 数据块 均衡地分布到所有分片中.为了按照片键划分数据块,MongoDB使用 基于范围的分片方式 或者 基于哈希的分片方式 ,参见 片键 获得更多信息.


对于 基于范围的分片 ,MongoDB按照片键的范围把数据分成不同部分.假设有一个数字的片键:想象一个从负无穷到正无穷的直线,每一个片键的值都在直线上画了一个点.MongoDB把这条直线划分为更短的不重叠的片段,并称之为 数据块 ,每个数据块包含了片键在一定范围内的数据.


Diagram of the shard key value space segmented into smaller ranges or chunks.

Diagram of the shard key value space segmented into smaller ranges or chunks.


对于 基于哈希的分片 ,MongoDB计算一个字段的哈希值,并用这个哈希值来创建数据块.

在使用基于哈希分片的系统中,拥有”相近”片键的文档 很可能不会 存储在同一个数据块中,因此数据的分离性更好一些.

Diagram of the hashed based segmentation.

Diagram of the hashed based segmentation.






MongoDB允许管理员使用 标记 直接决定集群的均衡策略.管理员使用标记与片键的范围做绑定,并将标记与分片直接绑定,之后,均衡器会将满足标记的数据直接分发到与之绑定的分片上,并且确保之后满足标记的数据一直存储在相应的分片上.


参见 受标记作用的分片 获得更多信息.





分裂是防止某个数据块过大而进行的一个后台任务.当一个数据块的大小超过 :ref:`设定的数据块大小 <sharding-chunk-size>`时,MongoDB会将其一分为二,插入与更新触发分裂过程.分裂改变了元信息,但是效率很高.进行分裂时,MongoDB 不会 迁移任何数据,对集群性能也没有影响.

Diagram of a shard with a chunk that exceeds the default chunk size of 64 MB and triggers a split of the chunk into two chunks.

Diagram of a shard with a chunk that exceeds the default chunk size of 64 MB and triggers a split of the chunk into two chunks.


The balancer is a background process that manages chunk migrations. The balancer runs in all of the query routers in a cluster.

当集群中数据的不均衡发生时,均衡器会将数据块从数据块数目最多的分片迁移到数据块最少的分片上,举例来讲:如果集合 users分片1 上有100个数据块,在 分片2 上有50个数据块,均衡器会将数据块从 分片1 一直向 分片2 迁移,一直到数据均衡为止.

分片管理在后台管理从 源分片目标分片数据块迁移 ,在迁移过程中, 目标分片 首先会接收源分片在迁移数据块上的所有数据,之后,目标分片应用在上一迁移步骤之间发生在源分片上的迁移数据块的更改,最后,存储在 配置服务器 上的元信息被更新.

如果迁移中发生错误,源分片上的数据不会被修改,迁移会停止.在迁移成功 结束 之后MongoDB才会在源分片上将数据删除.

Diagram of a collection distributed across three shards. For this collection, the difference in the number of chunks between the shards reaches the *migration thresholds* (in this case, 2) and triggers migration.

Diagram of a collection distributed across three shards. For this collection, the difference in the number of chunks between the shards reaches the migration thresholds (in this case, 2) and triggers migration.




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